Monday, June 20, 2011



Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chemistry Unit Test

  • topics:

  • atomic structure

  • the periodic table

  • BR diagrams

  • counting atoms

  • pure substances vs. mixtures

  • elements vs. compounds

  • isotopes

  • radioactivity

  • ions

  • ionic vs. molecular compounds


SNC 1P Electricity and Chemistry Culminating Assignment

Part A: Making A Switch
Using the materials provided by your teacher or from home, you must make a working switch. This switch will be tested in front of the class. The rubric attached will be used to evaluate your work.

Part B: Researching Different Types of Electrical Components
Using the internet, your textbook, or any other references, research one of the following pairs of terms below and prepare a table as below.
a. Incandescent light bulbs and Compact Fluorescent bulbs
b. Halogen lights and Fluorescent lights
c. L.E.D.’s and Neon lights
d. Fuses and Circuit breakers
e. Timers and Motion sensors

Title: ________________________________


Upon conducting your research, answer the following questions:
1. For what purposes are the electrical components used?
2. What are the chemical and physical properties of the electrical components?
3. Which component is considered a better choice for the environment and why?

Choose one of the following formats to demonstrate your research and learning:
a. Oral presentation with visuals
b. Cartoon/ Comic book
c. Letter
d. Informational brochure
e. Newspaper article

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Library day: March 29th we will bein the library to do research
Presentations: Wednesday April 6th (first half of the alphabet by last name) and Thursday April 7th


Date: Friday April 1st
food chains and food webs
food pyramids
ecology terms (i.e. producer, decomposer)
predator-prey relationships
carbon cycle
nitrogen cycle

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Circuit Diagram Quiz

there will be a formative quiz today on Circuit Diagrams!
Homework: Finish #2-7 on the Electrial Potential Problems handout, using the GRASS method.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Static Electricity Labs

Be sure to finish the first two labs by tomorrow and hand them in!!!
1) Charging by Contact, and 2) Behaviour of Neutral Charges

Friday, February 4, 2011

Review: Static Electricity

Do the following true/false to review what we have learned about Static Electricity:


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lab: Charging by Contact

Please make sure your lab is finished by tomorrow at the beginning of class, and hand it in with your name on it.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Welcome to Grade 9 Science!

Have your Assessment and Evaluation form signed by tomorrow!

Static Electricity

  • bring in your forms signed if you haven't already!!
  • click on the following animation to see why a balloon sticks to the wall after being rubbed on a sweater:
  • Balloon Animation (click on the button that says "Run Now")